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IFCO Hong Kong IFCO 香港人體工學專家扎根香港15年,堅持以人為本,是香港的人體工學專家。專營人體工學椅、電腦椅、辦公椅、電動升降桌、螢幕支架及各式各樣的多功能辦公室傢俬。亦承辦訂造全屋訂製傢俬、辦公室裝修設計及節省空間的變形傢俬項目,為香港無數家庭和企業辦公室打造符合人體工學,健康舒適的生活及工作環境空間。 IFCO門市遍佈觀塘、沙田及佐敦,多款人體工學椅產品供客戶試坐,產品廣受用家推介。IFCO對人體工學的專業知識和優質又實惠的人體工學辦公室傢俬產品助您在工作和生活中享
Staresso Classic SP-200 Mini Review - CoffeeGeekAs part of CoffeeGeek s ongoing Camp Coffee series, we review a portable, unpowered espresso brewer called the Staresso Classic.
Introvert s Classic WDT Tool Review - CoffeeGeekA short review of an impressive, sub-$20 tool that can really improve your espresso: the IntrovertMakes Classic WDT Tool.
Expedition Brewer Snapshot Review - CoffeeGeekA new ultralight, foldable, collapsible, 50g pour over brewer from Native Designs lets you take your no-bypass brewing method in the backpack.
New Products Archives - CoffeeGeekCoffee and climate change: a serious conversation. Learn about the challenges facing the coffee industry and how you can contribute ...
Starbucks adds Plant-based Iced Coffee Drinks? - CoffeeGeekCoffee, the original plant based beverage, gets some cold espresso love with some new fangled plant based ingredients at Starbucks!
NextLevel Pulsar: Best No-Bypass Brewer So Far - CoffeeGeekThe NextLevel Pulsar right now is the best no-bypass coffee brewing device on the market. Find out what makes it so special.
Gaggia Introduces the Gaggia Classic Pro - CoffeeGeekGaggia reverses past mistakes with the Classic Line and introduces the new Gaggia Classic Pro Espresso Machine!
10 Years of Manual Grinders for Orphan Espresso - CoffeeGeek10 years of hand grinders from the folks at Orphan Espresso brings us to their latest product - the Lido OG, and its entirely unique quick grind change features.
CoffeeGeek: Weber introduces the BIRD, a Coffee BrewerWeber Workshops introduces their first foray into the world of coffee brewing devices with the BIRD. Here s some early details.
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